Thursday 8 September 2011

After A Tummy Tuck: Recovery

Tummy tuck recovery lasts between three and six months. During that time, you may experience some pain. It's very important to allow for a full recovery. Trying to do too much too soon can cause complications.
In this article, you will first discover what you can expect during recovery. Second, you will learn what activities you will be allowed to perform. And third, you will find out ways you can speed up your healing process.
What To Expect During The Tummy Tuck Recovery Process
A full recovery can take up to six months. Scars will continue fading after that time. Skin discoloration will gradually lessen over the next one to two years.
During the first weeks after surgery, you may experience swelling of the abdomen. This is completely natural. It's the body's reaction to the sudden change. You will feel discomfort and your doctor will probably prescribe painkillers.
You will also experience significant bruising of your skin. A compression garment can provide support your body needs to help it heal. It can also reduce swelling and bruising.
Limited activity
Though a complete cover he may take up to six months, the first six weeks are the most critical.
Your doctor will order you to stay home from work for several days. Heavy exertion will be prohibited for at least the first three weeks. You will not be allowed to drive, have sex, or engage in any taxing activities.
Use of a public pool will also be disallowed. This can cause complications resulting in serious infections.
A change in diet will be recommended to help your abdominal muscles strengthen themselves. This will help prevent the same problem from reoccurring.
Patients must do without nicotine as part of their tummy tuck recovery process. Nicotine can have an adverse affect during recovery.
Tips To Help Your Tummy Tuck Recovery
There are several ways you can speed your recovery after surgery. These involve a combination of simple exercise, proper body position, and precautions when showering.
As previously noted, you should not engage in any demanding activities. You should avoid anything that causes discomfort. However, during your first few days, you must walk around (cautiously) every once in a while. Doing this once an hour will help to better circulate your blood and prevent blood clots.
You must avoid tension in your abdomen. Whether you are sitting, lying down, or walking, try to keep your stomach relaxed. If your abdomen is continually tense, stressed will be placed on the surgical sutures. This can cause them to rip out.
During the first two weeks, you cannot take baths. Water may cause damage to the area of surgery. Instead, sponge baths must be given. Showers will eventually be permitted. Take special care with the surgical tape when you shower.


Complete Tummy tuck surgery is ideal for those who want to lose skin from midsection of the tummy

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