In Spy Mouse you play the part of a vigilant mouse running through houses looking for slices of cheese. It's an easy puzzle game you can load up whenever boredom or free time strikes. You have to be wary of cat patrols and other dangers that are out to exterminate you.
There are six worlds you have to conquer. Each one has about ten levels making it quite a big game. Some stages you have to complete without being detected and another stage has to be completed with a limit number of paths a player can trace. These objectives are quite hard to complete and the game can keep you exceptionally busy for a long time. Better leave a message on your answering machine that you will be unavailable for a few weeks.
There is also a boss fight with a cat. The cat and mouse fight is an interesting addition to the game and provides a little action for a change. For most part of the game you will be running and hiding. For many action fans this will be the best part of the game. Unfortunately, cat and mouse fights are extremely rare and you will wish Firemint had included more such scenarios.
Spy Mouse provides no fast furious action. The graphics are very well done and the pictures are razor sharp and polished to the bone. It's clear that Firement went through a lot of trouble to make the game visually appealing to bring mobile gaming on par with giant game consoles like the Wii and PlayStation. Nevertheless, the game is mediocre and average despite its impressive graphics. The pace of the game is slow and tedious and most people will play it out of boredom and nothing else. In some levels you will spend a fair amount of time simply waiting for patrolling cats to disappear before you continue on your journey. You can't really challenge them at will, unless you want to die. There is no addictive gameplay or any exciting tactics you can call upon. The only surprise is the occasional boss cat mouse fight mentioned before.
Spy Mouse is only a game you play when your gaming console is too far away. Perhaps you are a passenger while wifey is driving to that pleasure resort you have been promising the kids since 1999 and now you've run out of excuses and had to put down the PlayStation controls and drive to that wretched place. Instead of cursing and swearing all the way, simply load up Spy Mouse and you won't see the trip at all.
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